
Uscite Discografiche Luglio 2018

Melody's Echo Chamber - Bon Voyage - 7
Leon Vynehall - Nothing Is Still - 7-
Nine Inch Nails - Bad Witch - 7
Florence + The Machine - High as Hope - 6/7
Gang Gang Dance - Kazuashita - 6+
Years & Years - Palo Santo - 5
Drefgold - Kanaglia - 5+
акульи слёзы - в музее моей памяти - 6.5
Western Medication - Taste - 6.5
Gorillaz - The Now Now - 6
Achille Lauro - Pour l’amour - 6/7
Holy Now - Think I Need the Light - 6/7
Drake - Scorpion - 5+
Emma Tricca - St. Peter - 6.5
Starcontrol - Fragments - 6/7
Young Scum - Young Scum - 6.5
Fog Lake - Captain - 7-
Spanish Love Songs - Schmaltz - 6.5
RP BOO - I'll Tell You What! - 7-
Luluc - Sculptor - 6+
VARSITY - Parallel Person - 6.5
Jolly Mare - Logica Natura - 6+
LITHICS - Mating Surfaces - 6/7
Hana Vu - How Many Times Have You Driven By - 6+
Trust Fund - Bringing the Backline - 6/7
CHASTITY - Death Lust - 6.5
Deafheaven - Ordinary Corrupt Human Love - 7
Birds in Row - We Already Lost the World - 6.7
Lotic - Power - 7-
Wild Pink - Yolk in the Fur - 6.5
Generic Animal - EMORANGER - 6+
Juice WRLD - Goodbye & Good Riddance - 6
The Internet - Hive Mind - 6/7
Ty Segall & White Fence - Joy - 6+
SALES - Forever & Ever - 6.5
Them Are Us Too - Amends - 6/7
Dirty Projectors - Lamp Lit Prose - 6+

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