

[Retro-It] - for "The Bends" fans : Gianluca Grignani

Gianluca Grignani is an italian pop rock singer, start in mid '90 with "Destinazione Paradiso" and become an idol, at least here in Italy..expecially for girls.
But in 1996 realeased a brave album, far from typical italian pop rock standards with "La Fabbrica Di Platica" a rock album, a bit acid/psychedelic, a bit epic and a lot influenced by Radiohead "The Bends".
After "La Fabbrica di Plastica" he released "Campi di Popcorn" an other alt-rock oriented album..then has been converted to an useless pop rock mainstream.

Gianluca Grignani - La Fabbrica Di Plastica

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